So this year I was bound and determined to do something different with the front of the house. We normally spotlight our trees and bushes, hang some pine garland, yada yada.
I wanted to change it up, and I wanted to do it on a shoestring budget. I love a good challenge!
So I started by taking a walk in the woods on our property, and came upon my inspiration.
I picked out some branches and vines, and drug them back to the house. Then I remembered seeing a big conglomeration of Osage oranges, or Hedge Apples. If you look on the internet, you’ll find that they’re used for ridding your house of spiders (most likely not effective), curing cancer (I won’t be taking my chances on that one), or giving kids excellent opportunities for leaving big bruises on one another. My opinion was that they were big, green, and pretty, so I went and gathered some.
Next, I enlisted my husbands help in securing the branches to the front porch. He’s been married to me long enough that he just sighed and went to gather his tools. It took a bit to get them where I wanted them, but eventually we had branches secured to each of the posts closest to the front steps, and two more suspended from the roof of the porch.
So far, I haven’t spent a dime, which is making me very happy. However, I needed to get some white pine/cedar roping for the porch, so I took advantage of the Black Friday sale at Home Depot and picked up plenty for $15. I also grabbed some “shatter resistant” large ornaments for $5. I’m $20 in, which isn’t bad.
The next step is figuring out how to secure the Hedge Apples. I dig out my floral wire from my craft box, and after trying a few different options, the best result was to use the floral wire the same way I would tie a ribbon on a gift: wrap the wire from top to bottom, twist tight, then make another loop in the opposite direction, twist tight, and use the extra wire to secure to whatever you’re anchoring it to. By the way, I strongly recommend wearing gardening gloves while doing this. I didn’t, and I’m regretting it now.
I drape the greenery across the front of the porch, and add a few of the Hedge Apples.
On to the branches. I utilized the rest of my Hedge Apple inventory, then added the large ornaments. The ornaments are very light, so I used fishing line to tie them on.
I still have lighting to think about, but I’ll evaluate that after the spotlights have been put up. I might wrap the branches with some battery operated strands, or I may leave them as is.
It’s different, and it cost $20. Mission accomplished!
Beautiful! Love seeing the artistic way you hung the branches along the roof!